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FROM: Will Wharfe
What NEED does this meet?
People don't know their neighbours any more. This would provide a way of getting to find out if anyone in your area is interested in organising a street party (doesn't have to be literally in your street). Once you've organised a street party, hopefully you will have got to know people! And, you will have identified yourself as a street party organiser... that way, when someone arrives in the area and wants to find out how to get involved, they can find out who the local street party people are... Street parties are a great non sectarian, non political way of getting people together. Nice focused activity with a tangible result.
What is the APPROACH?
Start small, focused, real ground level. Find people who actually run real street parties at the moment. Work out what the system would need to do to make their job easier. Get them on board. Test the system and refine it. Then roll it out in the areas around the areas where it's been piloted. Leverage connections with multimap, upmystreet, streetmap.co.uk; findaproperty etc So that people can view an area and see the street party areas.
What are the BENEFITS to people?
Makes it easier to make personal connections locally. This creates a form of social infrastructure on which other projects could be built.
What is the COMPETITION?
I don't think there's any competition. But there are lots of location information services (multimap/ upmystreet/ findaproperty) that this could work well with.
What BUDGET & LOGISTICS are required?
Depends how rapidly you want to roll it out and how many places you want to test it in. Probably around £20K - £40K for the software for the pilot. Probably about the same for the management/people feedback etc.
October 30, 2003 in Connecting People, Helping Your Community, Leisure | Permalink
Any idea to help people have fun at as cheap a cost as possible, creating and expanding social networks is a great one. People need to be encourged to enjoy themelves without having to spend money. You create wealth in terms of social capital and enjoyment for free or low cost. The problem with too many 'community/personals' websites is that they fail on the 'make global local' agenda: whilst its very easy now for me to find people all over the world with similar views etc, what we don't have is a good way to find people nearby in a similar way.
Posted by: Jake at Oct 31, 2003 10:47:24 AM
Posted by: poppen at Aug 31, 2008 12:06:50 PM