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Virtual Town

FROM: Adam Retter

What NEED does this meet?
Aimed at small towns and communitys - not really suitable for large cities unless broken down into areas.

What is the APPROACH?
Develop a website that is a virtual representation of a town, i.e. a map of the town possibly 3D. Users in the town can find other people in the town and communicate with them by clicking on their house. etc. Users can opt in and upload pictures of the outside of their house to improve the map etc. Additional software could show when users in the town are online by adding flags to their maps. Acts as a community portal with forums, voting, local news etc. Focuses around the central idea of the map/3d representation of the town.

What are the BENEFITS to people?
Improves communication within the community, benefits community spirit and interaction in small communitys for example rural areas.

What is the COMPETITION?
not that im aware of!??

What BUDGET & LOGISTICS are required?
Not sure yet - probably not that expensive. most data will be input by community users themselves.

October 31, 2003 in Connecting People, Web-In-A-Box Systems | Permalink


Hmm this looks like a good idea if the community could get the funding to set up the infrastucture for the project. Not sure about the 3D map thing, but the forums, voting, local news, and neighbourly communication feature might be worth developing :)

Posted by: John Taylor at Oct 31, 2003 1:31:24 PM

This sounds like a really good idea, though a lot of work would have to be done in order for people to be persuaded to give their contact information. I
The site would have to be user friendly. Please feel free to email me, I'm working on a similiar project for a business. Perhaps we could work together.

Posted by: Aaron Sorensen at Feb 5, 2004 8:58:47 AM

this website is a stupid waste of time GET SIM CITY

Posted by: Brea at Apr 21, 2004 8:48:00 PM

Yep agreed.

Posted by: Lulu at Sep 7, 2004 11:47:32 PM